
As an adjunct professor I teach introductory-level physics courses, which in some ways is a challenging task, especially of physics, a subject which does not always lend itself to intuitive comprehension.  What follows are sites designed to illustrate fundamental concepts in physics through discussions, tutorials, animations, and practice problems.

  •  An excellent introduction at the high school level. This is the first site to visit when learning physics for the first time.
  •  One of the first subjects a student learns in physics is unit conversion.  We convert hours to minutes and so forth in our heads, but miles to kilometers and newtons to pounds are more challenging.  This site makes it easy.
  •  Any real attempt to learn the fundamentals of physics beginning with motion and forces will involve trigonometry.  This site is the first step to understanding the right triangle.
  •  For the Applied Physics course I teach online, this reference is all that's needed.
  •  Need to know just about anything about an element.  Here is an online version of the Periodic Table.  (I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking this is for Chemistry!  No so.  It's for Physics too; for example, when calculating densities or when calculating nuclear reactions involving mass.)
© Marco Plumley 2013